Size Charts: Explained

Create/Edit a Size Chart

Charts page in Perfect Fit Size Guide app in Shopify admin

First to create size chart you have to click Create new size chart button on the top right of the page. This button is pointed with green arrow.

After clicking the Create new size chart button, you will be navigated to the Edit size chart page showcased in the next screenshot.

Edit size chart page in Perfect Fit Size Guide app in Shopify admin

The following text will explain sections of the page 1 by 1:

  1. The first section Personalize your size chart has 2 fields. The title field will be displayed on the Charts page and in the storefront when viewing the size charts. A description will only be displayed on the storefront.
  2. The second section Manage attributes for the size chart is where you can add attributes you want to display. It can be something like weight, length, width, and other attributes that differ on different sizes of a given product. These attributes have units, either cm or inch.
  3. The third section Manage different size categories is where you add your product’s size identifiers, eg.: xs, s, m, 54, 55 and so on. These values will be in the first column of a given size chart.
  4. The fourth section Manage Visibility for this size chart is the section where you can decide on which products or collections to show this size chart on. If you all_products the size chart will be displayed on all products. If you select selected_products or selected_collections the size chart will be displayed only on products or products in selected collections.
  5. Fifth section Fill out the chart where you will enter the values for different cells.

After you fill in the values you can either save the chart as Draft – it means that we will save all values and you will see this size chart on the Charts page but it won’t be visible on the storefront, or you can Publish see it right away and it will be visible on the storefront. You can change the visibility of the size chart at any time.


You can customize your size chart appearance by clicking the Customize button in the Charts page. It will navigate you to the theme editor and open Perfect Fit Size Guide embed menu where you can change the appearance.

Customize button on the Perfect Fit Size Guide charts page in the Shopify admin

After clicking Customize button the following menu will be opened:

Perfect Fit Size Guide embed menu
Button that opens the size chart

If you have any questions, feature suggestions or needs – please don’t hesitate to message us on the support chat in the app or write us an email 🙂 Thank you for reading!